Electrics (V1.1) Digital Designer --------------------------------- Electrics is a group of programs for designing and simulating digital electronic circuits on the Amiga computer. The circuit to be tested is drawn using simple and complex gates. Multiple logic levels and drive strengths permit realistic circuit behavior during simulation. SCHEMATIC PROGRAM: A circuit design is drawn using Wire, Label, Text, and Symbol objects. Symbol objects are obtained from a library of simple gates (NAND, XOR, etc.) and complex TTL gates (74193, 74245, etc.). The circuit design may contain one sheet, or span up to 99 sheets. SIMULATOR PROGRAM: The circuit design is simulated by applying signal levels, and evaluating the results. The sequence of signal levels to apply is described in an ARexx script. Signal levels may be '0' (low), '1' (high), 'X' (unknown), or 'Z' (floating). The activity of the signals may be observed by connecting various viewing programs to the Simulator. Original signals may be renamed, used to create new ones, or grouped to create signal Buses. VIEWER PROGRAM: The Viewer may be connected to the Simulator in order to record signal activity during simulation. This activity is displayed as a trace waveform of both Single and Bus signals. Over 4 billion time units may be recorded for over 64000 signals. DIGITS PROGRAM: The Digits program is a multi-digit 7-segment display that may be connected to the Simulator to observe signal activity. Each digit has seven segments, a colon, and a decimal point. Individual common lines allow the digits to emulate common-Anode and common-Cathode displays. AREXX SHELL: The ARexx Shell provides a command-line shell for interactive simulation and signal probing, or for general-purpose ARexx operations. PROJECT MANAGER: The Project Manager creates and organizes design project directories. Electrics comes with illustrated AmigaGuide instructions, and requires Workbench 2.0 or greater. Electrics may be purchased by sending a postal order for US$30 + US$2 (P&S) to: 1111 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6H 1B5 PHONE: (604) 733-6972 EMAIL: chris_sterne@panam.wimsey.com END ===